I'm fairly new to the RPA world, but I've learned quite a bit about other RPA's. Then, I found out about Robotiive not long time ago. So, I was curious about the uniqueness of Robotiive compared to the others.
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Robotiive can mimic what humans do with the software or machine. Say, what humans do, Robotiive also can do. Moreover, Robotiive can do it with 100% accuracy and no human error because Robotiive won’t get tired when doing the same thing thousands of times a day.
The automation type that our customers usually need:
Robotiive can mimic what humans do with the software or machine. Say, what humans do, Robotiive also can do. Moreover, Robotiive can do it with 100% accuracy and no human error because Robotiive won’t get tired when doing the same thing thousands of times a day.
The automation type that our customers usually need:
Excel Automation
Operate Machine Tools (non-intrusive using KVM)
Desktop Automation
Remote Desktop Automation
SAP Automation
PDF Automation
Web Automation